Sunday, January 10, 2010

My first twitter bot !

Ever since I got on to twitter, I wanted to create a bot of my own. I have created a weather bot for Bangalore. All you got to do is follow @BloreFeelsLike on twitter and you will get current weather conditions and forecasts for the next two days at a maximum rate of 1 tweet for every 3 hours.

Currently the weather data is got from RSS feed of Yahoo! Weather for Bangalore.

Follow me on twitter @S1024B


  1. good job... i think you must update it more frequently :-)

  2. Its possible to increase the rate, but I feel that some followers will get annoyed :) I have plans to make a server bot which will report temperature on-demand through direct messages. You might have observed that the bot follows all followers.

  3. Update: the frequency of update has been raised to 1 tweet/hr


Feel free to let me know what you think